Master the Art of Riding Technical Log Hops Today

Riding Technical Log Hops
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Are you looking to take your mountain biking skills to the next level? Do you seek the thrill of conquering challenging trails and obstacles? If so, mastering the art of riding technical log hops is a must.

Log hops are a common obstacle found on technical trails, and mastering this technique will not only increase your riding confidence but also improve your overall trail-riding experience.

Despite the challenge log hops may present, with the right technique and practice, you can easily navigate these obstacles like a pro. In this article, I will provide you with all the information you need to master the art of riding technical log hops.

Key Takeaways:

  • Log hops are a common obstacle found on technical trails
  • Mastering the art of log hopping will improve your riding confidence
  • The right technique and practice is crucial to navigate log hops successfully

Understanding the Basics of Log Hops

If you want to master riding technical log hops, you first need to understand the basics of this challenging technique. Log hops involve lifting your bike’s front and rear wheels over a log or obstacle while maintaining control and balance throughout the maneuver.

To achieve this, you need to distribute your body weight effectively, relying on both your front and rear wheels to help propel you forward. Your rear wheel generates the power needed to lift the bike, while your front wheel helps guide and stabilize the bike throughout the hop.

It’s important to maintain balance during a log hop, as any sudden movement or shift in weight could cause you to lose control. You can achieve balance by keeping your weight centered over the bike and distributing it evenly between your front and rear wheels.

When approaching a log or obstacle, prepare yourself by getting into the proper position. Shift your body weight back and down, using your arms to help lift the front wheel off the ground while keeping your rear wheel planted firmly on the trail.

As you approach the log, compress your legs and create tension in your body to generate enough power to lift both wheels over the obstacle. Once your wheels clear the log, extend your legs and land smoothly on the other side.

By mastering the basics of log hopping, you’ll be ready to progress to more advanced techniques like the double blip or bunny hop.

Mastering the Double Blip Technique

The double blip technique is a popular and effective method for conquering log hops. It’s a two-step maneuver that involves generating enough power to lift your bike off the ground and then hopping over the obstacle in question.

To execute a successful double blip, start by compressing your bike’s suspension as you approach the log. Shift your weight back as you engage your rear wheel and prepare to generate power. As you approach the log, pull up on your handlebars and lean back slightly to generate enough power to lift both wheels off the ground.

Once your bike is in the air, quickly release your rear wheel and let it hit the log. As soon as your rear wheel lands, push forward on your handlebars to bring your front wheel up and over the log. This sequence of movements should be fluid and fast, allowing you to clear the obstacle without losing momentum.

It’s worth noting that the double blip technique is similar to the bunny hop, which is another popular method for log hopping. However, the double blip typically involves using your rear wheel more to generate power, while the bunny hop relies more on a quick snap of the legs to lift the bike off the ground.

Regardless of which technique you prefer, the key to mastering log hopping is to practice consistently and experiment with different approaches. By honing your technique and building your confidence, you’ll be able to approach technical trails with greater ease and enthusiasm.

Perfecting Your Timing and Speed

Timing and speed are two key factors in executing successful log hops. As you approach an obstacle, it’s important to assess the trail and determine the optimal moment to execute the log hop. Always keep in mind that the timing may vary depending on the size and shape of the logs.

It’s also essential to adjust your speed accordingly. If the obstacle is smaller, you may be able to execute the log hop with a slightly higher speed. However, if the logs are larger, you’ll need to slow down to gain more control over your bike and wheels.

As you’re approaching the logs, maintain a steady pace and focus on your body weight distribution. Make sure to lean slightly back over the rear wheel as you’re about to hop, so that you’ll generate enough power to lift the front wheel.

Remember that the speed and timing are closely connected, so practice finding the perfect balance between the two. Once you master this technique, you’ll be able to sail over logs effortlessly and add a new level of excitement to your rides.

Gear Selection for Log Hops

When it comes to log hopping, choosing the right gear can make a significant difference in your control over the bike and the wheels’ power delivery. Generally, log hopping is easier when done in second gear rather than first gear.

Gear Advantage
Second Gear Provides better momentum and control
First Gear Offers more torque for steep climbs

However, every log hop is unique, and the gear you choose will depend on the type of obstacle you’re facing. For longer and flatter logs, second gear is usually the way to go, as it gives you the necessary momentum to clear the obstacle.

On the other hand, if you’re facing a steeper or taller log, first gear may provide the torque and power you need to lift the front wheel and make it over the obstacle. Experiment with different gears to find what works best for you.

Another tip is to consider adjusting your gear mid-log-hop if necessary. If you find yourself struggling to maintain control or gain enough power, downshifting to first gear mid-hop may provide the extra push you need to get over the obstacle.

Ultimately, the key to successful log hopping is finding the right balance of speed, power, and control. Choosing the right gear is just one component of mastering this technique.

Improving Body Position and Balance

An essential element in executing successful log hops involves maintaining proper body position and balance. A rider should always be aware of their body weight distribution, particularly in relation to the front and rear wheels.

Technique: When preparing to hop over a log, shift your body weight slightly forward towards the front end of the bike. This motion helps you maintain control over the front wheel when it reaches the log. As you approach the log, shift your weight back towards the rear end of the bike to balance control over the rear wheel.

Position Advantages
Standing Position Provides maximum mobility and control. It’s easier to control the bike from the standing position. This position is ideal for hopping over larger logs that require more effort to navigate.
Seated Position It’s best to use the seated position when hopping over smaller logs. It provides a lower center of gravity for the rider, which enhances stability and control.

In addition to weight distribution, it’s important to find the right balance point when navigating obstacles. Too much weight on the front end of the bike can result in losing control of the rear wheel, while too much weight on the rear end can cause the front wheel to lose elevation.

Technique: The key to finding the balance point is to practice consistently. Experiment with different positions and weight distributions to find the perfect balance for you. Over time, you’ll develop the necessary muscle memory and instinctual movements to navigate logs with ease.

To sum up, mastering body position and balance is fundamental to successfully logging hopping. By shifting your body weight effectively, you can take control of both the front and rear wheels, which is crucial to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

Overcoming Fallen Logs

Dealing with fallen logs can be daunting, but with the right technique, you can overcome these obstacles and continue riding with confidence. Here are some tips for successfully navigating over fallen logs:

Technique Description
Approach with confidence Don’t hesitate when approaching a fallen log. Keep your eyes focused on the other side and commit to the maneuver.
Utilize the double blip technique Generating enough power through the double blip method can help you clear a fallen log with ease. Remember to lift your bike off the ground using both wheels.
Use your rear wheel Engage your rear wheel to help you climb over the log. Shift your weight backward as you approach the obstacle to give your back tire more grip.
Maintain front wheel control Keep your front wheel light and guide it over the log. Avoid letting it get caught or stuck on the obstacle.

Remember to practice these techniques slowly and gradually increase your speed and confidence. With enough practice and determination, you’ll be able to conquer any fallen log in your path.

Techniques for Smaller Logs

If you’re new to log hopping or simply dealing with smaller obstacles, there are specific techniques that can help you overcome them with ease. Here are some expert tips to master:

1. Utilize Your Front Wheel

When approaching smaller logs, use your front wheel to lift the bike over it while maintaining control. Start by compressing the front suspension as you approach the log and then, with a quick pull up, lift the front wheel over the log while unweighting the rear wheel. This technique will help you maintain speed and momentum while clearing the obstacle.

2. Master the Rear Wheel Bump

The rear wheel bump technique works particularly well for smaller logs. As you approach the obstacle, compress your rear suspension and lift your front wheel, then, as you reach the log, quickly push down on the pedals to generate a burst of power and bump the rear wheel over the log. This maneuver requires precise timing and balance, but once mastered, it can be extremely effective.

3. Practice Bunny Hopping

Bunny hopping is a widely-used technique for log hopping that takes practice to perfect. Start by compressing both front and rear suspensions and then rebound them quickly to generate lift. As the bike starts to lift off the ground, unweight both wheels and tuck your knees up to get the extra height you need to clear the log.

4. Balance Front and Rear Wheel Control

Maintaining the right balance of front and rear wheel control is crucial for successful log hopping. As you approach smaller logs, shift your body weight forward slightly to gain control of the front end. Once you’ve cleared the log, transfer your weight back to regain control of the rear wheel. This technique will help you maintain control and speed throughout the maneuver.

With these simple techniques, you can easily conquer smaller logs and build the confidence and skills needed to tackle larger obstacles in the future.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Now that you have a solid understanding of the basics of log hopping, it’s time to take your skills to the next level. Here are some quick tips and techniques to help you improve your log hopping:

  • Watch instructional videos online to learn from experienced riders and see different techniques in action.
  • Practice log hopping on different types of terrain, such as rocky or muddy trails, to challenge yourself and adapt to new obstacles.
  • Experiment with different body positions to find what works best for you and your riding style.
  • Utilize your brakes effectively to control your speed and maintain balance during log hops.
  • Consider investing in a lighter bike with better suspension to enhance your maneuverability and control.
  • Try out different techniques, such as the side hop or pedal kick, to give yourself more options and keep your log hopping skills versatile.

Remember, the key to mastering log hopping is consistent practice and a willingness to push yourself. With these advanced tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an expert log hopper.

Practice Makes Perfect

Log hopping is a skill that requires consistent practice and dedication. To become proficient in this technique, you need to know how to properly distribute your body weight and utilize both your front and back wheels while maintaining balance and control.

One effective way to practice log hopping is by setting up a training area with logs of varying sizes. Start with smaller logs and work your way up to larger ones as you gain experience and confidence.

To improve your log hopping skills, here are some drills and exercises you can try:

  • Practice wheel lifts by standing still and quickly lifting your front and back wheels off the ground.
  • Try doing log hops while riding uphill to simulate real trail conditions.
  • Focus on your timing and speed by setting up multiple logs in a row and practicing maneuvering over them quickly and efficiently.

Remember, mastering log hopping takes time and patience. Don’t get discouraged if it takes a while to get the hang of it. Keep practicing and experimenting with different techniques until you find what works best for you.

By improving your log hopping skills, you can enhance your overall riding experience and feel more confident on technical trails. So get out there and practice those back wheel lifts and front wheel hops!

Embracing the Thrill and Exhilaration

As a seasoned log hopper, I can attest to the undeniable thrill and exhilaration that comes with this technical skill. There’s nothing quite like the rush of successfully navigating over an obstacle that may have seemed impossible at first glance.

But log hopping isn’t just about conquering challenges. It’s about the sheer joy of riding and the sense of accomplishment that comes with pushing yourself to new limits. When you master the intricacies of log hopping, you open up a whole new world of possibilities on the trail.

Whether you’re looking to improve your technique, conquer new obstacles, or simply revel in the thrill of the ride, log hopping offers a unique and exciting experience for mountain bikers of all skill levels. So what are you waiting for? Grab your bike, find a technical trail, and embrace the rush of log hopping today!


In conclusion, mastering the art of riding technical log hops requires practice and dedication. It’s essential to understand the basics of log hops, including how to distribute your body weight and utilize your rear and front wheels effectively. The double blip technique can be a game changer, and timing and speed play crucial roles in successful log hopping. Choosing the right gear can greatly enhance your log hopping abilities, and maintaining proper body position and balance is key.

To truly excel at log hopping, it’s vital to practice consistently and embrace the sense of thrill and exhilaration that comes with it. Setting up a log hopping training area and doing drills and exercises can help improve your technique and overall riding skills. Always remember to prioritize both safety and enjoyment while on the trails.

So, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, there’s always room for growth and improvement in the exciting world of log hopping. Keep practicing and exploring new trails, and above all, have fun and ride on.


Q: What are log hops?

A: Log hops are techniques used in mountain biking to navigate over logs or fallen trees on the trail.

Q: Why are log hops challenging?

A: Log hops can be challenging because they require precise timing, balance, and control to successfully navigate over the obstacle.

Q: How do I distribute my body weight for a log hop?

A: To distribute your body weight for a log hop, focus on shifting your weight backward as you approach the obstacle and then forward as you initiate the hop.

Q: What is the double blip technique?

A: The double blip technique is a method for conquering log hops. It involves generating enough power and using a two-stage motion to lift your bike off the ground.

Q: How do I time my log hops?

A: Timing your log hops is essential. Assess the trail and determine the optimal moment to execute the hop based on the speed and size of the obstacle.

Q: What gear should I use for log hops?

A: It is generally recommended to use second gear for log hops as it provides better control and power delivery for navigating the obstacle.

Q: How do I maintain balance during a log hop?

A: To maintain balance during a log hop, focus on shifting your body weight accordingly and finding the right balance point between the front and rear wheels.

Q: How do I navigate over fallen logs?

A: To navigate over fallen logs, approach them with confidence, utilize the double blip technique, and leverage your rear and front wheels effectively.

Q: What techniques can I use for smaller logs?

A: For smaller logs, techniques such as the bunny hop method, distributing body weight, and maintaining control throughout the maneuver can be effective.

Q: Are there any advanced tips and tricks for log hopping?

A: Yes, advanced riders can explore additional options and techniques, watch instructional videos, and learn from experienced riders to enhance their log hopping skills.

Q: How can I improve my log hopping skills?

A: Consistent practice is key to improving log hopping skills. Set up a log hopping training area and incorporate drills and exercises specifically designed to enhance your abilities.

Q: What is the thrill of log hopping?

A: Log hopping provides a sense of thrill and exhilaration. It brings a feeling of accomplishment and adds excitement to your mountain biking experience.

About The Author

daniel in queenstown with mountain bike

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