Regular Or Goofy: Improving Your Snowboarding Technique Stance

person on snowboard in distant of trees
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Snowboarding is a great way to get out and enjoy the winter weather. However, it can be frustrating if you’re not progressing as quickly as you’d like. If you’re having trouble improving your snowboarding technique, there are a few things you can do to help yourself.

It’s important to feel at ease in your stance whether you want to snowboard goofy-footed or regular-footed.

If you are wondering what is goofy foot snowboarding, it means that you ride with your right foot forward and your left foot backward. Whereas, if you are a regular-footed snowboarder,

In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to improve your snowboarding technique. However, before we get into that, let’s first take a look at the ways to determine your snowboarding technique.

An Overview Of Snowboard Stances: The Regular and The Goofy

Snowboarding involves two different stances:

  • The Regular Stance
  • The Goofy Stance

The Regular Stance (Left Foot Forward)

man in yellow jacket and blue pants riding on white snowboard

The regular stance is when your left foot is positioned forward on the snowboard and your right leg is positioned backward.

This stance is more comfortable for most people since it’s the same stance that you use when walking. It’s also easier to balance in this stance.

The Goofy Stance (Right Foot Forward)

The goofy stance is when your right foot is positioned forward on the snowboard and your left foot is positioned backward.

This stance might feel a bit strange at first, but it’s actually not that hard to get used to. And once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to take advantage of the extra pop that this stance provides.

Now that you know the two different snowboard stances, let’s take a look at the ways to determine your dominant foot.

Identify your dominant foot

It’s important to determine your dominant foot before you start snowboarding. This will help you decide which stance is best for you.

If you’re not sure which foot is your dominant foot, here’s a quick test you can do:

Try to kick a soccer ball as far as you can. If you used your left foot, then you’re regular-footed. If you use your right foot, then you’re goofy-footed.

There’s no right or wrong if you are goofy-footed or regular-footed. it’s all about what feels most comfortable for you. But if you’re still not sure which stance is best, we recommend starting with the regular stance.

Now that you know the basics of snowboarding, it’s time to find out whether you are a regular or a goofy snowboarder.

How to Identify Regular or Goofy Snowboarders

Depending upon the fact which of your leg is leading downhill and which foot is at the back of your board, it can be identified whether you are a regular or goofy snowboarder.

There are mainly two ways to determine your snowboarding technique. Let’s discuss them one by one:

  • By Observing Your Natural Stance: This is the easiest way to determine your stance. Simply stand on your board and observe how you naturally position your feet. If your left leg is positioned forward, then you’re in a regular stance. On the other hand, if your right foot is positioned forward, then you’re in a goofy stance.
  • By Trying Both the Stances: This is the best way to determine which stance works best for you. Simply try both the regular and goofy stance and see which one feels more comfortable. You might find that one stance feels more natural than the other.

If you’re having trouble improving your snowboarding technique, it’s a good idea to get some feedback from someone else. This can be a friend, family member, or even a professional snowboard coach.

When you’re getting feedback from someone else, it’s important to be open-minded. You may not agree with everything they say, but it’s important to listen to their advice. They may see something that you’re not aware of.

Tips To Improve Your Snowboarding Technique

man skiing during daytime

Whether you want to snowboard goofy-footed or regular-footed, here are a few tips that will help you improve your snowboarding technique:

Get Comfortable With Your Stance

It can be difficult to improve your technique if you’re not comfortable with your stance. So, the first thing you need to do is get comfortable with the stance that you’re in.

This means getting used to the way your feet are positioned on the board and the way your weight is distributed.

Once you’re comfortable with your stance, you’ll be able to focus on other aspects of your technique.

Practice On The Slopes

person riding on skis during winter surrounded by mountains

One of the best ways to improve your technique is to practice on the slopes. This will help you get used to the feel of the board and the way it responds to your movements.

It’s important to find a slope that is comfortable for you. Start with a smaller slope and work your way up to a bigger one.

As you get more comfortable on the slopes, you’ll be able to try different things and experiment with your technique.

Improve Your Balance

One of the most important aspects of snowboarding is balance. If you’re not balanced, you’ll have a difficult time controlling the board.

There are a few things you can do to improve your balance. First, try to keep your weight evenly distributed on the board. Second, practice shifting your weight from one foot to the other.

It’s also a good idea to practice different types of turns. This will help you get used to the way the board responds to your movements.

As you improve your balance, you’ll be able to try more advanced tricks and maneuvers.

Work On Your Carving

Carving is one of the most important aspects of snowboarding. It’s what allows you to make turns and control your speed.

There are a few things you can do to improve your carving. First, practice making turns of different sizes. Second, try to keep your weight evenly distributed on the board. Third, focus on shifting your weight from one foot to the other.

As you get better at carving, you’ll be able to control the board more easily and make sharper turns.

Practice Different Tricks

One of the best ways to improve your snowboarding technique is to practice different tricks. This will help you get used to the way the board responds to your movements.

It’s important to start with simple tricks and work your way up to more difficult ones. As you get better at snowboarding, you’ll be able to try more advanced tricks.

Some of the most popular tricks include jumps, spins, and grabs.

Get Feedback From Others

If you’re having trouble improving your snowboarding technique, it’s a good idea to get some feedback from someone else. This can be a friend, family member, or even a professional snow

Riding Switch Between Front Foot and Back Foot

Beginners often ask whether they should start out riding switch. The simple answer is that it doesn’t matter. You can learn either way.

Riding switch simply means riding with your non-dominant foot forward. So, if you’re a regular rider, you would ride switch by putting your left foot forward.

The reason why some people recommend learning to ride switch is that it will make you a more well-rounded rider. It’s also good for building up the muscles in your non-dominant leg.

Riding switch can be difficult at first, but it’s a great way to improve your snowboarding technique. It will force you to use your weaker foot and thus, improve your balance and coordination.

Specialized Exercises for Snowboarding

There are a few specialized exercises that can help you improve your snowboarding technique. These exercises focus on building the muscles that are used when snowboarding.

One exercise that is often recommended is the squat. This exercise works the muscles in your legs and will help you build up strength.

Another exercise that is recommended is the deadlift. This exercise works the muscles in your back and will help you improve your balance.

Finally, the push-up is a great exercise for building up the muscles in your chest. This will help you with your posture and will make it easier to control the board.

These exercises are just a few of the many that can help you improve your snowboarding technique. They are designed to build up the muscles that are used when snowboarding.

So, if you’re looking to improve your technique, make sure to include these exercises in your training regimen.

Get Proper Instruction

One of the best ways to improve your snowboarding technique is to get proper instruction. A professional instructor will be able to help you learn the proper way to snowboard.

They can also give you feedback on your technique and help you troubleshoot any problems.

If you’re serious about improving your snowboarding, it’s a good idea to take some lessons from a professional instructor.


Riding goofy or regular is a matter of preference. You can try both stances and see which one feels more comfortable for you. Whichever stance you choose, make sure that you’re comfortable with it.

Whichever foot you choose to lead with, make sure that you’re balanced. If you’re not balanced, you’re more likely to fall. Also, it’s normal to use your left or right foot more when snowboarding. However, try to use both feet equally to improve your balance and coordination.

Additionally, practice normal stance and switch stance on the slopes. This will help you get used to the feel of the board and improve your balance.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to experiment with your snowboarding technique. Be open-minded and try different things. You never know what might work for you. Get feedback from others, but ultimately, trust your instincts.

Ride goofy or regular, whichever you feel comfortable with. Consider keeping in mind to stay balanced, use both feet equally, and experiment with your technique.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to improving your snowboarding technique. Remember to have fun and enjoy the ride!


Burton Discover. (2022). Retrieved 23 September 2022, from

Are You Regular Or Goofy?. (2022). Retrieved 23 September 2022, from

About The Author

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